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Richey Animal Clinic
Call us today! 713-473-7400
Call us today! 713-473-7400

802 Richey Street
Pasadena, TX 77506

Summer Safety

It’s hot outside! Please help us keep pets safe this summer!

Here is some good information from the ASPCA website:

  • Made in the Shade – Pets can get dehydrated quickly so make sure they always have access to fresh, clean water. They also need a place in the shade to cool off if they are outdoors. Be careful not to over-exercise them, and it’s best to keep them indoors on extremely hot days.
  • No Parking – Never leave pets in a parked car, even with the windows rolled down. The car will quickly turn into a furnace, which can lead to a fatal heat-stroke. This is considered animal abuse and is illegal in many areas.
  • Make a Safe Splash – Don’t leave dogs unsupervised around large bodies of water; not every one is a natural swimmer. Be sure to use pet flotation devices when they go boating. Rinse them off after swimming to remove salt and chlorine that can cause skin irritation. Also, try to prevent them from drinking the water as this can lead to an upset tummy.
  • Summer Style – Feel free to trim longer haired dogs/cats but never shave them. The coat layers are designed to prevent overheating and sunburn. Brushing to remove loose hairs will also help. Be sure any sun-screen or insect repellent you use is labeled safe for use on pets.
  • Street Smarts – Don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Sensitive paw pads can burn easily and, being so close to the ground, their bodies can heat up quickly. Take short walks.
  • Avoid Chemicals – Commonly used flea, tick and yard insecticides are harmful if ingested so keep them put up. When out for a walk, avoid crossing areas you suspect may have been recently sprayed. Also, keep citronella candles and insect coils out of your pets reach.
  • Party Animals – Going to a backyard barbeque? Many human foods are toxic to pets and even the safe ones can cause an upset stomach if the pet is not used to it. Ask others to not offer any snacks. Also, keep an eye out for alcoholic beverages being set on the ground.
  • Know the Warning Signs – Excessive panting, lethargy, weakness, drooling, seizures, vomiting and collapsing are all signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The pet will need immediate medical care to prevent permanent organ damage or death. Short-nosed breeds, obese pets, and the elderly are more prone to this ailment. If in doubt, get medical attention.

Here are some good links to check out: